Clay Trustees discuss lighting options
Brookville Star
Kay Dawson
Contributing Writer
CLAY TOWNSHIP - Clay Township Trustee Steve Woolf told the trustees at the Aug. 6 meeting that the action setting up the Wengerlawn Lighting District had “frail documentation” and recommended the trustees discuss solutions.
In the early 1980s, the township installed street lights on about 18 properties in the area of Wengerlawn and Number Nine road (the old village of Wengerlawn). This was apparently in response to homeowners’ petitions, but when two of the lights malfunctioned recently, the township couldn’t find clear records of who was responsible for replacing them or upgrading the system.
The township repaired the lights and will assess the homeowners, but Woolf said the system needed o be upgraded. Woolf suggested three solutions. The township could “continue the wway we have.” The township could contract with Miami Valley Lighting, the company that provides outdoor lighting at the township property.
Woolf added, “We could just do away with the lights.”
He favored a contract like the township has for township property, but Trustee Jeff Requarth pointed out that since the lights were installed, properties might have changed hands and asked, “Do the current owners want the lights?”
Trustee President Dave Vore suggested the township determine what is needed to upgrade the lights and send those residents letters outlining the situation and inviting them to a meeting to discuss the matter.
“And make it a registered letter, so we are sure each person receives it,” he said. “Maybe we could warn them that not responding to the letter will be a no vote.”
Trustees have filed all the paperwork to put the question of energy aggregation on the November ballot. If this proposal passes, it will authorize Trebel LLC to negotiate energy prices for any township residents who want to join the aggregation. At earlier trustee meetings, Joe Garrett explained his company will form a group of jurisdictions and negotiate for prices a a body.
Reminding trustees that Garrett had said Trebel will handle all the publicity and explanations, Woolf said the township can’t advocate for or against the measure but “we can put the details on the Web site.”
Trustees changed the status of Police Officer Chad Norman from Police Extended-Part Time for Prt-Tie, reducing his hours at this request, and hired William Stewart as Police Extended-Part Time.
The next meeting of the board of trustees will be at 5 p.m. on Aug. 20 at the township building at 9207 Arlington Road.
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